Children Charter on Climate Justice
We, Children, recognize impact of climate crisis is beyond the boundaries of geographical country line and any excess emission of harmful gases will create its impacts on the global community and global children and their future. With this in the perspective we as children also realise that there is a great deal that we could contribute to change the scenario by not only blaming the governments and external community. No doubt there need to be strong and conducive policies at every level backed by strong will taking into consideration of our view. As a result of the above process we place our charter.
- Avoid over exploitation of our National resources by vested interests of developed nations and not instituting effective mechanisms for pay back of debts which aggravate poverty and pose a great threat to our food security
- Assure to address equity issues related to our basic and ecological rights as stipulated in UNCRC, which We children from marginalised sections (local/regional/National/Internationally)are experiences as against the children of developed economy/countries
- Provide/create adequate space to express/raise our voices from our experience, perceptions. Recognise and Include “Children Led Ecological Rights Clubs” (may be this is formed in different names in various States/countries) as part of the policy formulation processes at local/State/National and International forums including UNFCC
- In the domestic front equity issues should be addressed and assured from the “have-nots” perspectives - the great 70% living in poverty stricken fragile eco systems and food security
- Provide adequate space for awareness on the root causes of climate crisis and is impact on our future and the very existence of ecological child rights should be given to our fellow
- Protect our food security and sovereignty
- Introduce systematic CRR (climatic Risk Reduction) practices as part of our regular learning
- We call for a Child Focussed State/National Action Plan on Climate Change that will be arrived at after a wide consultation of children and be sanctioned by State Assembly/parliament.
- “The earth provides enough for everyone’s need for not for anybody’s greed”
- We have rights as children for survival, protection, to be heard and to enjoy ecology within the national and International framework.
- Our demand is that our voices should be heard at all policy debates on climate crisis and given special space in the policy formulation processes.
- We feel “WE CHILDREN” form 1/3 of the global population and eagerly awaiting a prosperous eco friendly future.
- Hence our voices cannot be sidelined. Our demand is not optional but our basic right. We feel our concern should go beyond the National boundaries as Voice of the Global Children.
- The decisions we make today will have a significant impact on our lives. We will live the consequences. We will breathe air and drink the water you leave for us. As children and future citizens of this earth, we need to be given a greater voice on climate change issues from the Rights perspective as spelled out in the “Ecological Child Rights”. We use this platform to make our voice for climate justice heard at all levels and from which we can express our demands.
- We, Children have considerable strengths that are a significant resource for families, communities and organisations. The value of our knowledge, creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and social networks should be recognised and encouraged.
- We assure and want to work closely with Regional/National and International governments and adults to contribute ideas and design policies that will affect our lives, now and into the future. We would like to move forward with a multi-generational, multidisciplinary vision.