Participatory Impact Assessment (PIA)
RCPDS using participatory impact Assessment it gives scope not only to pin down outcomes against preset objectives, but also, as a process, allow incorporation and tracking of learning, subsequent project adjustments, responsiveness, etc., as soft areas for spiral effect and future reference.
Participatory Impact Assessment (PIA) focus on ‘participatory learning’ through joint reflection by the key stakeholders to understand their own achievements, good practices, challenges etc. and develop plans to move forward, PIA as a transparent and accountability system for the partners concerned and PIA as a process of self-empowerment to analyze and take appropriate decisions by the communities and children by themselves.
Stages used in Participatory Impact Assessment process…..
- Defining the geographical and time limits of the project
- Defining broad questions to be answered from outcomes and impact perspectives
- Identification and prioritization of locally defined impact indicators in consultation with Key informants
- Decide on methods to be used, and field test tools for user skills as well viability
- Decide on sampling size and method
- Compare outcomes with cost benefit, project attribution and triangulate
- Final check on feedback and verification of the results with the community